Saturday, July 5, 2014

Bacon Jam

I was kinda stucked...

One of my ideas about the blog was to be ready way ahead. But I was kinda stuck.I had no idea what to do for today's post... So I dicided to go look for inspirations in a  great place to find anything these days: Pinterest! Did you know Mad Scientist Cookbook had a Pinterest Board? We do!

I go to Pinterest to find basically anything! Organizing tips, DIY beauty recipes, low carb meal ideas... All of this!

I went to look for some ideas on my pinterests of yummy foods. And found something I was looking for trying it for a long time!

You know how jam is amazing! It's gooey and soft and have little chewy bits, right?

And Bacon? What can I say about bacon! It's a food group by it's own!

And what would you say if I casually said... Bacon Jam!!

Bacon Jam


  • 300 g bacon
  • 2 yellow onions
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup strong coffee
  • pepper
  • salt

Fry the bacon in a non sticky pan. Until the fat is getting crispy, but there's yet some chewy parts. 
Remove the bacon from the pan and leave at least two tablespoons of fat on it.
Add the roughly chopped onions and stir for at leat 10 minutes. The onion will be soft, chewy and smell wonderful!
Reduce the fire to low and add the brown sugar. The onion will start to release water and caramelize. Stir ocasionaly for 20 minutes.
Add the bacon and the coffe. Stir every 5 minutes until the jam is... well jam like! Season with salt and pepper. 
You can keep it in your fridge, but let it set to room temperature before eating.